Your story, without the filler.

If you’re exhausted, stuck in life, or generally overwhelmed by how complicated everything is, then congratulations you’re human!

SelfAbridged is an ordered collection of resources and checklists on how to adult, so you can get the life you want faster.

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Think Like a Monk: Life-Changing Spirituality or Repackaged Self-Help? A Review

I have never been particularly spiritual, and to this day I’m deeply uncomfortable with religion. I get that skin-crawling Otherness when I’m surrounded by people discussing prayer. There’s a lot of...

Step 3: Craft an Easy Baseline Routine.

Personally, I have a love-hate relationship with routines. I love planning them. Executing them can be a challenge, to say the least. For me, it’s the good old perfectionism demons at work. Whenever I...

Anxiety Without Fear

Sometimes, it feels like my anxiety is just waiting in the background, ready to take over my life. Going to new places, not getting enough done, looking stupid or unprepared or even just...

Simple Meal Planning

I’m not going to pretend for a second that I’ve got my life together. I am, without a doubt, the target demographic for millions of productivity videos, planners, and apps. I struggle with attention...

Step 2: Get a library card!

If you read my Resources blog post, then we’re on the same page. Knowledge is the ultimate resource, with unlimited potential. If you’re reading this, you certainly have access to the internet, and...

Step 1: Drink Water

There are so, so many self-improvement apps out there. A few that I’ve tried, enjoyed, and ultimately stopped using when the motivation waned, are: FabulousFinchHabitRPGSuperBetter Not to mention the...

Project or Habit?

One of the following stories is a lie, and the other one is the truth. Read on and guess which is which! (This is a longer one, so here’s the TL;DR: If you feel energized by the idea of something or...

Resource Management

Have you ever played Minecraft? For the non-gamers out there (or those who have successfully avoided that addiction), Minecraft is a game where you start with nothing, and the first step is to go out...

“We’ll figure it out.”

We’ll figure it out. In my first several years of parenting, that was my mantra. Every day, multiple times a day, my husband and I would run into a problem that we had no idea how to solve. We had no...